Google pixel 6a is just as important as its big family the 6 pros but it's a 30 let's go through the stylish tips tricks and retired features packed inside this.

Face detection 

so the bus rotate point has had a super annoying problem for times but if you head into your bus rotate settings there is this grand point called face discovery and so now then is the beauty of it you no longer need to worry about turning your bus rotate on or off when lying down. because your pixel automatically does it for you each by detecting the exposure of your face thank you google.

Adaptive preferences

now if you head into your power saving settings there is another super useful but slightly retired point called adaptive preferences then you will see two options adaptive battery as well as adaptive charging toggle those on because adaptive batteries make sure your phone uses certain apps only when you need them. so it can save on your battery and with adaptive charging. this charges your phone sluggishly and only gets it to a hundred percent just before your morning alarm goes off which of course is great for long-term battery health. So this is great for saving on battery life.


I do not know about you guys but I can not picture my life without a camera and because this is google's phone did you know if you click and hold down on whatever the camera is pointing at it'll browse the entire internet to find analogous suggestions to what it's seeing but there are also some other stupendous Features like top shots so if you click on settings you will see top shots and when you toggle this on its kind of like a live picture so this makes the camera record a many split seconds before and after the shutter button this way you can go and play back what was recorded and also choose the exact frame you want and save it.

Editing tools

let's pull focus to some editing. so the 6a is packed with some suitable insane editing tools but my fave has got to be the magic eraser. so under the section, if you click on tools also magic eraser now what you can do is draw around anything in your background like someone print bombing you, and just like that poof makes effects vanish like magic the results are enough to damn good and although it does occasionally struggle a little bit you can do all of this without any Photoshop chops. I mean that is enough emotional but you could also click on this disguise point and make different colors vanish as you can see this helps mute the unwanted corridor of the print and the corridor you want people to concentrate on really stand out and also if you are into taking selfies or pictures like me portrayal light takes the game to a whole other position because this adds a fake light to your portrayal print by using face discovery. and it manages to blend the digital light to look super real as if it was there when you took the picture and it manages to do all of this super snappy.