If you're a pro android stoner also you might hear of inventor options. These are some advanced features that are hidden from you but if you want you can still pierce them relatively fluently.


With that being said in moment's blog I'll be telling you eight useful inventor settings that you should enable on your device right now.

How to enable Developer Options

First thing first let me tell you how to enable inventor options on your phone. so if you have not formerly all you have to do is go to your settings about phone software information valve on figure number for 7 times once you're done you'll have this brand new retired menu called as inventor options in your settings simply go outside and from then you can spark a lot of cool features on your phone.

Stay Awake

I'll be telling you only the useful and essential settings one by one. The first thing that I want to talk about is to stay awake by dereliction. if you go to display then you can set only over to 10 twinkles of screen downtime what it means is your screen goes off after 10 twinkles of inactivity and again you need to unleash your device. in case you want to keep your screen on constantly all you have to do is elect inventor Options enable this option because staying awake allows your phone to stay awake all the time when it's connected to a charging string.

Running Services

Next, we have a commodity called running services. if you go out side running services it shows you all the apps and services that are running in the background.indeed if you clear all your apps from the recent menu some still run in the background and consume a lot of your ram. this is an extremely useful option by using which you can check all the unwanted apps and services that are consuming your ram in the background if you want to close any app or services you just need to tap on it and simply elect to stop. this way you can close all the gratuitous apps and make your device feel a lot briskly.

Mobile Data Always Active

coming in the inventor option you'll find commodities called as mobile data always active.it switches on your mobile data automatically so you do not have to manually turn on this toggle and you'll have flawless switching between wi-fi and mobile network. well, it surely consumes a bit more battery but if you always want to stay connected with the internet also you can surely enable this option.

Sensors off

if you open the announcement panel you see this new option called detectors out. formerly I turn this on it disables all the detectors on my phone.for illustration now if you open the camera you can see it's not working. let me tell you how to enable this point on your device all you have to do is go to inventor options scroll it down find quick settings inventor pen stocks also just go outside and enable this option called detectors out. that's it now you'll have a brand new toggle called detectors off in your quick settings.