What are boys or girls in the uterus? There is a bigger question throughout pregnancy. Curiosity is very high and there are many speculations many assumptions made from different old white stories, and there are so many methods.

And today, I will give you another method that can only be useful to specify your novelty, so that the method is called to the prediction of the small math calculation of Maya was not so anxious that you only understand Or a strange number if you know that it is very easy for you, the baby's sex in women's friends do not have to guess that the odd number is essentially like 1 3 5 7, they are not entirely Divisible by 2 and even the number is 2 4 8 8 8 10 and so on. if you know that it is very easy for you to understand this formula. So, the age of a woman in number such as 18,19 20 21, whatever it is, and the second is the month, so the month, if it is January, they would take it as your or one or an On February 2, March 3, April 4 like this and on December 12.


What this prediction says when the age of the mother is even the case where she is 30 or 32 or 28 years old and the month when he was also designed. Assuming that he was convinced in April, the two are therefore in this case if there is a similarity because the two are in this case that the baby is again a girl in the uterus if it is still and The month is also strange, for example, when the age of 29 is and the month of January, so the two things are again strange if they are the same, it means that the baby is a girl in the uterus, So it's very simple, so this is the case in which the baby should be a girl in ovary.


However, if it is that the age of the woman is the same and the month when she presents herself and the month when she imagined is Mars, the zero three is, so it's strange, so even a strange thing is A combination of uniform and the strange prediction that the baby is a boy in ovary.

 It is therefore the prediction of the Maya family that she did in your time and in this way, things predict are not scientific or concrete proof that it works, so I just want him The du Du du Calculate simply and tells me if it is satisfactory and if the baby has already admitted, calculate it and tell me if it will be correct if your baby has not yet delivered, simply guess and guess and guess and guess and guess and guess and guess and guess and guess and guess and guess and guess After childbirth, you can tell me if it works or not, my friend was another way I just wanted to say that boys and girls are the same and that we should not distinguish them.